This is a quote from Yuval Noah Harari’s “From Animals Into Gods: A Brief History of Humankind.”  Mine is a “draft edition,” without a cited publisher, but I’m pretty sure it was finally published under the title “Sapiens,” with the same subtitle:

In the year AD 1500, five hundred million people inhabited the world. Today, there are seven billion.  In 1500, global annual production was equivalent to 250 billion dollars.  Today it’s close to 60 trillion dollars.  In 1500, humankind consumed each day about 13 trillion calories of energy. Today, we consume 1500 trillion calories a day.  (Yuval Noah Harari, “From Animals Into Gods: A Brief History of Humankind,” Draft Edition 2012)

How long can this last?   Or more to the point, will it end with a whimper or a bang?  Personally, I think we’re whimpering now.  But I’m waiting for the bang (a big one, either real or metaphorical).  After that, it’s anyone’s guess.  

Interestingly, this also makes me think of another quote:  

“Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour…”  (Matthew 25:13)
