In this excellent short article by Zat Rana, he relates the adage about living each day as if it were your last. Then he goes on to note that his own approach is slightly different. Each day, he imagines that he has five more years to live. Given that, what would he change in his life? The article is about lessons he’s learned by living this way.
The article brought to mind my own thinking of some years now. It was an epiphany for me long ago when I was struggling to reconcile the self I’d become with the person I’d always thought I would be. It remains a valuable perspective as I consider each new day. This is the idea that, with every single thing we do, we are irrefutably building our own past. My personal history is the one I myself constructed by every action I have taken.
If you want to plan your future now, consider the past you want.
This is exceedingly good, Bob. Your comments show real growth from the web site’s inception several years back. Observations become far more incisive, personally specific and tough-minded over time and thus more enjoyable.
Thanks, Michael. I began the site to share insights and as a simple way to archive those insights for easy retrieval. But I have to admit that it has developed into an invaluable tool for growth, because in knowing I am writing for someone else to read, I am forced to articulate clear and specific points. Indirectly, but extremely effectively, that has enabled me to do the same for myself…I can’t allow myself to think lazily anymore. It’s helped me become a better writer generally, as well. I recently crafted a few op-eds I’d hoped to get into the local paper here. I’m still trying to get the local editor to accept me as a contributor.