…specifically, how commerce and Madison Avenue have assured that we have too many.  That’s not their intent.   They just want to sell, and pseudo innovation is a company’s way of competing, albeit a questionable one.  The proliferation of consumer choice is everywhere:  food, clothing, drinks (even water!), electronics, service companies, banking, travel, automobiles…

But what is the real effect of all this?  It to force on us choices…most of them false, and many stressful.  Apart from the time drain and ubiquitous frustration in making a simple purchase, they set us to question our own judgement, wisdom, knowledge and self esteem.  What if we make the wrong one?  How do we feel when a friend shows us something we like better?

My point is not about capitalism, but about choosing to participate (or not) in this game.  All these distractions are just that, distractions from the truly important need to quiet your mind.  Withdrawing from the consumer mindset is one more step down the road to being present and living mindfully.  And simple presence is key to introspection and self-knowledge, and hearing the quiet voice of your own inner wisdom.