Category: Religion


You can use this page to explore all my posts.  You can search in three ways: (1) Click the Category that interests you; (2) Use the Search Box that appears below the list of Categories; or (3) Use the Archives below the Search Box.

Frankly, if you are looking for something specific, the Search Box is your better bet.  Appropriate Categories are hard to develop, and they are sometimes arbitrary and inconsistent.  Using Search, you can query on any term you choose.

Unfortunately, when you click on a specific post, it will bounce you to a different page to read it. You will have to use your browser's Back feature or the upper Menu to return here.  Sorry, it's a limitation of this Wordpress theme.

Also, this theme does not truncate posts when you use the Search box.  The result can be a long string of full length posts, which is cumbersome and confusing.  I'll continue trying to resolve this issue.

Thanks for your interest.

st, March 2016

Post Categories